Have you spotted the new high-tech bins on College Green? They are part of a £1million investment by Bristol City Council

As published in Bristol Live on May 6, 2019

A number of high-tech super bins have been installed on College Green for the Bank Holiday weekend. The bins – from the company Bigbelly – not only compact the rubbish inside to make room for more but also send an email alert to Bristol Waste when they need emptying.

 More than 100 bins are expected to be rolled out across the city later this year in a bid by Bristol City Council to tackle increased reports of litter, fly-tipping and graffiti. But a couple of the solar-powered bins have been installed at College Green as part of a trial over the Bank Holiday weekend. The bins, which are part of a £1million investment by the city council, can hold up to six times more than a standard bin.

In a video posted on social media Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees shows off a few of the features of the new Bigbelly bins. Speaking about the investment, he said: “I’m really excited that you are going to see more of these and it’s all part of our commitment to serving people in Bristol better and making sure they can dispose of their waste

“Part of that deal is making Bristol tidier, cleaning up Bristol’s streets. No litter, no fag buts, but an environment which we find pleasant and can all live in.  Come and make use of the bins and have a look.” The funding is part of the council’s Clean Streets Campaign which was launched by Mr Rees in 2016, with the aim of making the city measurably cleaner by 2020.

Source: Bristol Post Live


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